
7 May، 2018

Jerusalem between present and future; An Initiative part of Nonviolence project

The Palestinian Association for Culture, Arts, and popular Heritage has organized a seminar titled: (Jerusalem between present and future, visions, and horizons) in partnership with PalThink […]
7 May، 2018

30 Kites Flying in Gaza Sky carrying letters of Nonviolence

PalThink for Strategic Studies has implemented an initiative under the title of “Flying high with our letters of Nonviolence”, in partnership with Noor Almaref private school. […]
7 May، 2018

16 writers carry out “Olive leaves” Initiative

In partnership with PalThink for Strategic Studies and Press House Palestine, The 28 magazine has launched a series of activities “Olives leaves”, that hosts 16 youth […]
30 April، 2018

PalThink conducts a radio episode about ”Media discourse and the promotion of a culture of nonviolence in Palestine”

Palthink for strategic studies has held a radio episode about the media discourse and its role in the promotion of nonviolence in the Palestinian society. The […]
22 April، 2018

Initiative “Psychological and Educational ways of facing Violence”

Omar Allouh, “The Benefits of Non-Violence as a Culture and Instrument for Conflict Resolution” project graduate, implemented his first initiative. It is an educational initiative for […]
19 April، 2018

Initiative entitled “Let’s teach our Children Love and Peace”

Salah Abu Zaida, “The Benefits of Non-Violence as a Culture and Instrument for Conflict Resolution” project graduate, conducted his first initiative entitled “Let’s teach our Children […]